
10 Real Estate Videos Every Agent Should Be Using in 2022

Mrignayni from InVideo Clock IconLast Updated on: February 02, 2022

Create PRO videos in minutes with InVideo

In today’s real estate landscape, videos are essential if you want to connect with your prospects and get quality leads for your business. Studies show that 39% of homebuyers rely on online video sites for information and  64% of consumers rely solely on videos when deciding whether or not they want to look at a certain listing. 

But what kind of real estate videos should you be creating? That’s what we will share in this blog – the different real estate videos you should be creating in 2022 to grow your business and generate quality leads. 

Here's what we will be covering: 

Idea #1: Introduction Video
Idea #2: New Property Listings
Idea #3: Create An Offer Video
Idea #4: Educate Your Audience
Idea #5: Client Testimonial Videos
Idea #6: House Tour 
Idea #7: Open House Invitation
Idea #8: Just Sold House Videos
Idea #9: Special Occasions Greetings
Idea #10: Market Update Videos

Real Estate Video Idea #1: Create an introduction video

Whether you’re new to the real estate business or you’re a seasoned realtor, an introduction video is essential because not everyone who finds you online will necessarily know who you are. A short video talking about who you are, what services you offer and how you can help homebuyers will go a long way in building a brand and getting credible leads automatically.

One very important point to note here is that even though this video introduces you and your services, you don't want to make it self-centered. This means that the information you share in the video should showcase how you can help them. If done right, promotional videos can highlight the unique value you provide to your prospects, make them trust you, and potentially hire you as well.  

Realtor Lyndsey Wynn does a great job at this in the video below. She puts the customer's needs first, helping build trust and connect with the viewers from the get-go. And while she talks about herself and her many career paths, she ties everything to providing value to her customers and being receptive to their needs. In short, she comes across as a warm, friendly realtor who keeps the prospect at the center of everything she does and goes above and beyond to deliver results. 

To create a promotional services video that'll get customers calling you right away, focus on how the services you offer will benefit the customers or make their lives easier. Don't forget to add relevant information about yourself – like your background, projects you've worked on etc. – that help build your credibility. You can also make your video more visually appealing by using eye-catching graphics and colors, and make your message crystal clear with this InVideo template: 

Use This Template

Real Estate Video Idea #2: Create a property listings video

As a real estate agent, you cannot hope to sell properties if you don't list them for potential buyers to see. But the days of boring old listings with hard-to-see pictures are long gone, and video listings are making inroads. This is because video listings give viewers a more holistic look at the property and make the decision-making process easier. 

One important thing to keep in mind while making property listing videos is that you're not just selling a building; you're selling a lifestyle. So you essentially want that to come across in your video. Shoot high-quality footage and highlight the features of the property to draw viewers in. 

For instance, in this video, Michael Bailey gives his prospects a complete virtual tour of the property while discussing its best features. He makes sure to highlight how family-friendly the house is, therefore targeting a specific type of customer: 

To create listing videos that drive up demand and get conversions, highlight the features and make the prospect picture their life there. Also, add a CTA and a compelling offer that creates a sense of scarcity and demand like the example above. Use the InVideo template below to highlight your property's design, benefits, etc., and encourage prospects to take action quickly. 

Use This Template 

Real Estate Video Idea #3: Make a video offering a service for free

One of the best ways to build credibility and trust with potential customers is to let them experience your service firsthand. And what better way to do that than to offer a short service to them for free?

Take a look at this video by Nichola Beveridge, who talks about the issue of many homebuyers and sellers not knowing the correct value of their house and then offering them a free home valuation. She even highlights that prospects have no obligation to stick with her after the valuation, further reassuring potential clients and building trust.

This is a great way to generate credible leads because only people who really want to buy or sell are likely to contact her. And once she gains their trust by helping them with the correct valuation, they are most likely to stick with her as their realtor. 

To create a compelling home evaluation post like Nichola, address your prospects' pain points, counter their objections, and add a CTA so they can contact you. And if you want to create a short valuation ad, use the InVideo template below. 

Use This Template 

Real Estate Video Idea #4: Educate your audience

Educational videos are the best ways to build a long-term relationship with your potential clients without actually coming across as salesy. Why is that? Because you provide information and assistance on a subject that is a pain point for several people entering the real estate market to buy or sell homes. 

For example, in this post, Rick Baker addresses a burning question in the real estate market, i.e., "how to buy a house if the purchase is contingent upon selling the existing property?" He tackles his prospects' exact problems with detailed, helpful tips. And even though the video is long, Rick breaks down the tips into bite-sized pieces, so his prospects can follow along without getting bored.

He also includes a disclaimer and ends the post with a compelling offer and CTA i.e., if you’re worried about being homeless, contact me right away. 

Creating an attention-grabbing video like the one Rick has made here doesn’t have to be hard. Start by creating a list of questions you frequently get asked. You can then structure the answers to these questions into bite-sized pieces of information and present them in a video format. To prevent your video from getting monotonous, add cuts, transitions, B-rolls and text to break the monotony. And if you want to take the complexity out of the editing process, get started by using a template from InVideo, like this one below: 

Use This Template 

Real Estate Video Idea #5: Create client testimonial videos

A testimonial video is one of the best ways to build credibility and trust with potential buyers because it gives them a firsthand glimpse of what your past clients think about you. 

Take a look at this video that realtor Scott Nicot has shared. He put together various testimonials of clients from various age groups and ethnicities to highlight how he can cater to different people’s needs seamlessly and effortlessly.  

The video also highlights Scott’s values, the problems each buyer or seller faced, and also includes happy pictures of his clients after they moved to their new houses. 

These elements help the prospect relate to his clients and picture what life would be like after working with him, so they'll be eager to contact him. 

To create a testimonial video that speaks to your prospects, ask them to frame an answer to a few questions like:

- What made you want to move?
- How did you learn of us?
- What’s life like after moving to your dream home?
- Would you recommend us to others, and why?

Also, request some cool pictures of them enjoying their new properties, so you can showcase them in your video to build a connection and encourage prospects to contact you. Lastly, introduce yourself and add a CTA. And if you want to make an appealing testimonial video quickly only with written feedback, check out this InVideo template. 

Use This Template

Real Estate Video Idea #6: Create a house tour video

According to a study, listings with virtual tours got 87% more inquiries than listings without a virtual video tour. Virtual tours can really help you improve the quality of your leads as well as your conversions. 

Take a look at this beautiful home tour by the Boutique Real Estate group. They showcase both the outdoor and indoor settings and provide markers to indicate the sizes to help viewers make a decision. There's also an aerial view of the property to help prospects visualize its standing in relation to the surroundings and neighborhood. 

To create an immersive house tour that'll get potential buyers lined up at your door, you need to shoot high-quality footage from different angles. Make sure you cover all the house areas while also highlighting any special features and amenities. Getting shots of the neighborhood is a bonus. Make sure you have a CTA and contact details as well. Use the InVideo template given below to create a tour video quickly and easily. 

Use This Template 

Real Estate Video Idea #7: Create video invites for open houses

Open houses can be really effective in generating new leads, provided people show up. And creating a video invite for your open house is a great way to generate more buzz about the event and invite more people to come.

From a buyer’s perspective, an open house invite helps them get firsthand information about the house and potentially reach out to you if they’re interested.  Video invites are also easy to share over whatsapp or email, and people might end up sending them to friends or family who are on the hunt for a house. 

In the following open house invite, realtor Mikayla Girodat highlights the benefits of the house ,i.e., plenty of room for everyone (including pets) to have fun, so prospects are encouraged to check out the property. 

To create an open house invite that will generate good traffic, start with an attention- grabbing opening line. For example, “we’ve got the house you’re looking for.” Then, get into the benefits of buying the house like the example above and don’t forget to highlight important details like the beautiful views, waterfront property, accessibility, etc., so prospects know what to expect and understand if it matches their requirements. End the post with open house timings and the CTA. 

To make a great first impression on your prospects and keep them hooked throughout the post, use the InVideo template given below.

Use This Template 

Real Estate Video Idea #8: Make a video about the houses you’ve sold

Real estate videos that showcase properties you’ve sold is a great way to build trust with people looking to sell their homes. You can use it to showcase your strengths as a realtor and why people should work with you when they want to sell. 

For example, realtor Harvir Sandhu takes us through the properties he sold in the last month, along with details of how long it took to sell them and the number of offers each home received. These details showcase his prowess as a realtor and tell his prospects that he's their guy if they want their townhouses sold in a record amount of time. 

You can get creative with your videos here. One option is to showcase a single property you've sold and discuss its features and benefits. Alternatively, if you deal in a particular real estate segment, you can also create a montage or collage of videos showcasing different properties you've sold. Add important information about the features of the properties, the pricing range, the neighborhood etc. End with a compelling offer and a CTA on how prospective house sellers can get in touch with you.

If you want to create a video like this quickly and easily, you can also use this template below from InVideo and tweak it to suit your needs: 

Use This Template

Real Estate Video Idea #9: Special Occasions Greetings

Sharing greetings for special occasions and festivals is good practice for keeping in touch with past clients and nurturing your relationship with potential ones. It also helps build a sense of community in general. You can also share these on your social media to connect with your community. 

For instance, Century Properties Real Estate does the same with a simple yet creative video to wish their followers Happy Holidays. They start with heart-warming wishes to the community accompanied by great visuals and use simple cuts to create a seamless transition that showcases all their properties. 

You can create a similar video by adding text, music, and stock to the seasonal wishes template from InVideo. To learn how to add cuts like Century Real Estate, check out this article on the types of cuts used and how to add them using InVideo. 

Use This Template

Real Estate Video Idea #10: Market Update Videos

As the real estate trends keep changing, it's important to stay up to date on what's happening in the market and provide your clients with valuable information so they can make well-informed decisions about real estate. 

Market update videos are perfect for connecting with potential clients, setting you apart as a leader in your industry, and instilling trust within the prospects as they go through their buying journey.  

For example, in this video, Ryan Schneider starts with a brief introduction, lets his prospects know of new listings, and wraps up the video with insights on the real estate market. 

Since Ryan showcases his knowledge and makes everything easy to understand, prospects are more likely to go to him for help as it makes him come across as a knowledgeable realtor who will take calculated decisions that will get the best results for his prospects. 

To create a market update video like Ryan, start by giving a snapshot of what the audience can expect, dish out the market news and share your own opinions and analysis of the news. You can also create a compelling offer like a freebie with more information and add a CTA to finish your post. 

If you want a template that lists news in bullets and is easy for your prospects to digest, use the InVideo template given below

Use This Template

Giving regular updates is a great way to stay on top of your game and not end up buried under busy work. A reliable way to do so is by using Invideo's housing market update template, created specifically for the realtors. 

Bonus: How To Create Thumb-Stopping Real Estate Videos Using InVideo

Now, let's look at how you can find and customize the real estate templates on InVideo for your own brand. 

real estate templates on InVideo

Step 1: Log in to InVideo, and begin by choosing a Real Estate Template to your liking. Click  Use this template and you’ll be taken to the InVideo editor. 

How To Create Real Estate Videos Using InVideo - Step 1

Step 2: Next, click the Uploads menu on the left corner of your screen to upload your media to the editor and customize your template. If you want to add B-rolls to your video, you can choose videos and images from the built-in stock library. 

How To Create Real Estate Videos Using InVideo - Step 2

Step 3: Now, add your brand logo to the video. Click the Logo tab and use the pop-up to import your logo from your gallery to the InVideo editor.  Once you’ve uploaded the logo, it will automatically be placed in the space for the logo.

How To Create Real Estate Videos Using InVideo - Step 3

Note: Once you add a logo to any scene, it will automatically get uploaded to your entire video. 

Step 4: To edit the text, double-click the text box and replace existing text with your text. If you want to understand how to change your font, color, etc., check out this article that explains how to add and edit text on InVideo. 

How To Create Real Estate Videos Using InVideo - Step 4

Step 5: Once you complete your edits, click the Download & Share button on the top right of your screen. Next, click Export.

How To Create Real Estate Videos Using InVideo - Step 5

And that’s how you can create awesome real estate videos for your business. 

Summing Up

When it comes to real estate video marketing, there are many options, which can make it hard to know where to begin. However, with this list, you have the core ideas in place that'll help you garner more leads for your business and aid your real estate marketing efforts. 

And if you prefer learning via videos, you should check out our YouTube channel, where we share daily video creation tips and tricks, the latest video trends and ideas and help you make more money as a video creator.


This post was written by Mrignayni and edited by Adete from Team InVideo

Create gold-standard videos in minutes with InVideo's online video editor. Join 7M+ users across 195 countries and create engaging videos on the go.

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