
15 Real Estate Video Ideas that’ll Get You Qualified Leads in 2022

Komal from InVideo Clock IconLast Updated on: February 04, 2022

Create PRO videos in minutes with InVideo

Video marketing is one of the best ways to generate real estate leads in 2022. You don’t have to take our word for it—listings with video receive over 403% more inquiries than those without. Besides, 63% of homeowners are likely to hire an agent who uses video over one that doesn’t.

This shows just how much potential video holds to get you the right set of buyers for all your listings. So, we’ve compiled a list of the best real estate video ideas you can use to spread the word about your business and generate high-quality leads this year. And once you have your idea chosen, you can turn it into a compelling video using our premade templates and InVideo’s feature-rich intuitive editor

Here’s what we'll cover: 

1. Create a real estate promo video
2. Create a realtor testimonial video
3. Showcase your realtor portfolio
4. Create a realtor intro video
5. Share some tips to hire a real estate agent
6. Share your open house calendar on video and invite people 
7. Create a property listing video
8. Share your upcoming property listing
9. Create a property sale announcement video
10. Educate your audience on popular home renovations to avoid
11. Create a “just sold” video
12. Educate your audience with a first-time home buyer’s checklist
13. Share a real estate market update video
14. Share a list of kitchen improvements under $100
15. List some home buying mistakes to avoid

1. Create a real estate promo video

Real estate promo videos are an excellent way to show potential buyers the services you provide, the work you’ve done till now, and give them a sneak peek into what it would be like to work with you. It’s essentially a promotional video for your services as a real estate agent or agency.

You can create short promo videos to run as ads on social media or include one as an explainer video on your website.

Apart from high-quality images, use strong copy with a touch of emotion to make the buyer feel something, and drive action through emotion. Additionally, this video should mention your active location and display your sales history with data. At last, end your video with a strong CTA comprising your name and contact information like phone number, email address, and website.

You can even make longer videos for YouTube and talk about your goals, mission, and how you connect buyers with their dream homes. This promo video from real estate agent Kayla Johnson fits well in this category. 

To create a promo video, you can either hire a professional videographer or do it yourself on a budget by shooting the clips from your phone and compiling them together with InVideo’s fully-customizable real estate promo video template. Just add your images, edit the text as you want, change the music to your liking with our stock library, and you’ll have your professional-looking video ready in minutes.

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2. Share a realtor testimonial video on social media

Testimonials build social proof and enhance your credibility, but video testimonials kick these benefits up a notch with a personal element. In fact, a study revealed that two out of three people are driven to purchase after watching a testimonial video—and real estate is no exception.

People trust people, and watching and hearing your happy clients talk about their experience working with you can help attract leads and convince them about your services. Add storytelling and emotion to that, and you’ve got yourself a winning video.

You can ask clients for testimonials at your open house, when you close the deal, or when you're done with all the work. Ask them what it was like working with you, so they elaborate on how you understood their needs and helped them find their dream house. If your client doesn’t know what to say, give them some talking points or write it on a piece of paper in front of them so they don’t get stuck and can give a flawless testimonial without hesitation.

You can then share the testimonials you record individually or compile them and create a montage video. Either way, testimonials make for great content for various platforms—you can share them on your website, YouTube, and as posts or ads on Facebook and Instagram, just like the McDonald Real Estate Group did here. 

You can shoot a testimonial video with your mobile while ensuring you’re in a noise-free environment with a good background. You can also shoot this video in front of your client’s new house to take it up a level.

To compile all the clips together and present them in an attractive way, use a real estate testimonial video template on InVideo, like the one we’ve shown below. You can customize it with your videos, text, music, add subtitles and even change the layers and order of slides to create an attention-grabbing video that’ll hook your viewers and convert them into future buyers.

Click to use this template

3. Shoot a realtor intro video

Introduction or profile videos help first-time visitors put a name and face to your brand and build trust. They also help people understand how you work and whether you’ll be a good fit for their real estate needs. Further, you can use this one piece of content on all your platforms—on your website, as your YouTube channel trailer, or a pinned post on Facebook. You can even send this as a welcome email whenever a prospective lead signs up to your email list.

The simplest way to go about an intro video is to use and modify what you wrote on your website’s about page. You need to show who you are, your background, certifications, awards, achievements, and previous sales. But that’s not the only thing—you can also talk about your hobbies, interests, and why you love your work. The idea is to humanize your brand, so don’t be afraid to show a little personality. 

Take inspiration from this video introducing broker Stephanie McCarthy. It opens with strong, features uplifting music, and besides work, she also talks about her family background, what drew her to this profession, and even what her typical day looks like. 

Before shooting your video, script it by writing down some talking points. Mix it with some property listing shots and compile it all together with an attractive real estate marketing template like this one by InVideo.

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4. Showcase your realtor portfolio

Your realtor portfolio video is your superpower. It’s a collection of your best work, aesthetically presented in a visually appealing and sophisticated video that conveys your value proposition and builds trust and credibility with prospective buyers.

Besides the work you’ve done, it also shows your qualifications, specializations, achievements, your active listings and ends with your contact details. For brownie points, you can also include some glowing written testimonials from previous buyers.

This intro-portfolio video by Paul Mancini acts as a simple yet effective video, where he briefly introduces his services, shares some sales numbers and also features a client testimonial. 

To create a proper portfolio video, ensure you have a mix of your spoken video, written testimonials from clients, data like number of houses sold, and active listings, along with some images of your gorgeous properties. To bring it to life, use this stunning template to display your real estate portfolio flawlessly and get more leads.

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5. Share some tips to hire a real estate agent

A tips video, especially one on “how to hire a real estate agent,” is an excellent way to promote your services, all while educating people and showing them you care about their home buying and selling experience. 

For a video like this, just tap into your years of experience, do some research, and understand what makes a good real estate agent. And, subtly tie back the tips you give to your own experience and work—to show people that you qualify for all the points you’re mentioning and are a good fit for them. 

Pro tip: Pick phrases from your client testimonials from when they told you why they liked working with you. This will help you display your uniqueness.

Javier does a fantastic job with this video on tips to hire a realtor. Besides mentioning the tips, he also tells us how he ticks all the boxes himself, selling his services softly.

Instead of making this a completely spoken video, mix your spoken bits with your client-interaction videos that go well with the tips you share. Apart from being an educational video, doing so will help you showcase your expertise subtly. 

Once you have all the clips ready, bring them all together and enhance them with a pre-made tips video like this one by InVideo. Don’t forget to keep your tips crisp and straightforward for the highest retention rate and share it across your social media channels for the best results.

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6. Share your open house calendar on video and invite people 

Ditch the traditional open house invites and send out videos instead—they can help you grab attention and pique people’s interest in your offering.

Open house invitation videos give a glimpse of the properties you’re showing, mentioning their features and the event details (date, time, venue.)

These videos can help you attract qualified leads—those who are genuinely interested in the plot you’re showing. And they can help build excitement around your open house, increase the turnover, thus boosting your chances of finding the right buyer. Plus, they show sellers you’re willing to go the extra mile to sell their property. 

Here’s an excellent example of an open house invitation video—it covers details about the event and the property, besides showing stunning clips of it, that’s likely to attract potential buyers. 

Your open house invitation should feel welcoming with a few clips of you as the realtor showing the house, some dreamy property shots, and event details in a super catchy manner. 

You don’t have to create this video from scratch, just compile all your images and videos and use a customizable template like this one by InVideo—and get your next buyer at the open house!

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7. Create a property listing video

When you think of real estate videos, the first thing that comes to mind is listing videos. Think beautiful properties, shot from aesthetic angles, with super fine furnishing and a lush garden—wouldn’t you want to buy it?

In fact, in 2020, 63% of homebuyers made an offer on a home they’d only seen virtually. This shows how effective listing and walkthrough videos are in giving prospects a look and feel of the property and driving deals forward.

For example, consider this listing video from Team Pinto. The real estate agent takes you through the property and its amenities herself—besides giving a comprehensive look at the house, which also helps build a personal connection with viewers. 

But if this doesn’t sound like you, you can just capture stunning photos and videos of your property (with your mobile even), compile them into a video and add some music or text to it. It will be effective in showing off your property and getting a waiting list of buyers. Here’s a great example of such a video. 

For shooting a property listing or walkthrough video, you can either hire an expensive film and production crew or shoot yourself in bright natural light with your mobile. Just make sure you’ve set it to the highest resolution and use a gimbal or tripod to prevent your video from being shaky and unclear. Once you get the shots together, bring them together with an InVideo template like this one:

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8. Share your upcoming property listing through emails and social media

Emails with videos get a 16% higher open rate and 26% more responses than those without. 

Besides, email marketing is a great way to turn website visitors into leads through an opt-in form and nurture them through videos on email.

‘Coming soon’ videos are one of the best you can use to give your subscribers a quick overview of a new property and attract potential buyers before it even hits the market. 

Besides attaching a visually-appealing video, you can ask your subscribers to respond to your email or privately message you if they’d be interested to see the plot. The sense of urgency—to act fast before more buyers come into the picture—can lead to an uptick in inquiries and meetings for you.  

You  need to ensure though that you keep your email videos short and crisp, and that’s precisely what upcoming property listing videos are. Besides, you can also share the same video on Instagram as a reel like this one here.

The most important thing about your coming soon video is the footage. Ensure you’ve taken high-quality shots of your property, and add some interesting elements like text and animations to make it more attention-grabbing. You don’t have to create it from scratch; use a pre-made InVideo template like this one.

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9. Create a property sale announcement video

Property sale announcement videos help showcase the type of properties you represent and that you can use to get the job done well. They can boost buyer confidence and show prospective buyers that you’re the best realtor to hire if they want a similar home. Besides, these act as social proof and are a great testament to your skills to get more leads for your business.

Check out this video by luxury realtor Nikol Klein, for instance. She gives a quick tour of the space while announcing that the house is closing soon—an excellent idea for some exciting and engaging social media content that doubles as a lead generation tactic. 

While creating a property sale video, include aesthetically shot videos of the property and glimpses of your buyers celebrating. It’ll make for a happy video while showing off the property you just sold. You can create the video using an engaging InVideo template like this one by just replacing the image, videos, and text.

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10. Educate your audience on renovation mistakes to avoid

Besides using videos to promote your properties and business directly, you can also use them to educate your audience, showcase your expertise, and build their faith in your services. This will nurture potential buyers by meaningfully adding value to them.

Videos on mistakes that home buyers make, like “popular home renovations to avoid” are great ideas for this. They help you solve the real-life problems your prospects face, increase their chances of turning to you when they need your services, and generate more warm leads. 

Transform Real Estate does a fabulous job at this, talking about home renovation mistakes to avoid to help you increase your home value for when you plan to sell. 

You can either create a long-form spoken video and publish it on YouTube like the example above or a quick animated video educating the audience in an engaging manner to post as an Instagram reel or a LinkedIn video. However, keep the information crisp and super interactive by aligning the script with eye-catching elements. 

Use this template to create a highly compelling and educational real estate video with your videos and branding.

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11. Create a “just sold” video

“Just sold” videos can help you showcase your wins and that you can walk the talk. 

Besides helping you build your brand, they also give homeowners who are considering listing their homes an idea of the work you do and the properties you deal in. And they prove that you know the ins and outs of the business and can make a sale, thus building credibility. 

In short, these videos allow you to turn every sale into a new marketing opportunity for your business. If you don’t want to make a fresh video for this, you can repurpose your original listing video—modify it where required and add a “Sold” symbol on it, and you’ll be good to go.

Or, you can edit the caption of your listing video and add “Sold” to tell viewers the property is off-market. Team Pinto does this, and it’s a great way to show that they can make sales successfully.

Another fantastic idea is to use this quick and easy template from InVideo—add your client’s snapshot and congratulate them on their new home, and you’ll create a warm and unique video. Don’t forget to include celebratory clips of your client with engaging elements in the end, to give out a happy feeling.

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12. Educate your audience with a first-time home buyer’s checklist

Another educational video and a super valuable resource for your prospects can be a tips or checklist video for first-time homebuyers. Buying a home for the first time can be confusing and challenging; however, you can come through like a knight in shining armor here, solve their problems, and nurture them to hire you further.

For this video, put your experience and expertise to use and explain to first-timers how they can go about the buying process. Talk about how they can determine what they can afford, their credit score, getting pre-approved, the questions to ask a realtor, and getting a home inspection done, among other things.

Take inspiration from this superb video from real estate mogul Barbara Corcoran on the mistakes first-time homebuyers should avoid.

If you don’t want to make a scripted spoken video, you can create a scroll-stopping animated video on Instagram reels or even run ads on it with a compelling CTA at the end. Use this template here to replace your tips and clips; you can even include real-life videos related to the tip you’re sharing and make it more catchy.

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13. Share a real estate market update video

Staying up to date with industry trends and educating your audience about them is one of the best ways to position yourself as a thought leader and expert, translating into greater sales.

And there’s nothing like market update videos to engage your audience, earn their trust, and become a reliable source of industry information. 

You can create videos to share market trends, real estate opportunities, interest rates, or policy changes without promoting your services. The only key is to relay this information in an easy-to-digest manner, so your audience can benefit from it and potentially reach out to you for their real estate needs. 

These market update videos would be great for social media or even a dedicated YouTube series for them. did an excellent job at this—they created an entire series on how COVID-19 affects the housing market, giving their viewers weekly updates. 

Subscribe to industry newsletters, listen to podcasts, watch industry-leading YouTube videos, and follow real estate publications and experts on social media to be updated with all market trends and changes. 

Gather all the information with accurate data and display them in a presentable manner with this template by InVideo by using engaging text, elements, and real-estate footage. You can also speak about this with a research script to make it more interactive.

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14. Share a list of kitchen improvements on Instagram

The home improvement-DIY industry enjoys a good audience, and research says that videos are their preferred mode of information. 

You, too, can create and leverage videos to attract this audience and put your business in front of them to generate more warm leads. Moreover, home improvement videos can also help you stay on the radar of those prospects who are remodeling their home to put it on the market soon. 

While YouTube is an excellent place for such videos, you can also make short and crisp videos on topics like “kitchen remodeling on a budget” and post them on Instagram—even as reels. 

You can take inspiration from this quick and engaging video HGTV made:

Create a list of low-budget renovation ideas to help your buyers enhance their kitchen space. You can create a video talking through some renovation ideas while showing clips from your property listing. This will add value to your audience and showcase your properties, educate them, showcase your portfolio, and build trust. Here’s a template by InVideo you can use.

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15. List some home buying mistakes to avoid on YouTube

Not all your prospects will be aware of the latest market trends and the nitty-gritty of the homebuying process. But this is where you can step in, help them out, and build a rapport with them. 

A YouTube video guiding buyers and telling them what to do and not to do can help smoothen their experience. While they’ll appreciate the assistance, the value you provide can also encourage them to hire you to help them find and buy a home. 

Rise Realty made this super valuable video on the common mistakes buyers make and how they should go about the process instead: 

Iron out your script, shoot some clips working through a property and engaging with a buyer, and either talk through it or create an animated video listing the mistakes and their solutions out with an engaging video. 

Don’t know how to create a video from scratch? Use this home buying mistakes video template and customize it with your videos, text, images, and branding to educate and attract buyers.

Click to use this template

Wrapping up

With these video ideas, you are on your way to creating engaging and high quality real estate videos that will help you generate leads. Use these videos ideas to improve your buyer acquisition strategies, turn viewers into buyers and improve your closing rate in 2022 to generate more revenue. 

Ensure that whichever idea you choose, you add your CTA and contact details so that prospective buyers can reach out to you. To learn more real estate video marketing ideas, check out this blog

If you need some help, want to take inspiration, or prefer learning through videos, head over to our YouTube channel with content especially crafted for creators and marketers like you!


This post was written by Komal and edited by Adete from Team InVideo

Create gold-standard videos in minutes with InVideo's online video editor. Join 7M+ users across 195 countries and create engaging videos on the go.

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