
15 Real Estate Instagram Post Ideas that Will Get You Qualified Leads in 2022

Mrignayni from InVideo Clock IconFebruary 21, 2022

Create PRO videos in minutes with InVideo

Instagram is one of the most preferred and used social media platforms for real estate marketing as it helps you get leads by connecting with your audience and building trust with them through photo and video-based content. 

But most realtors struggle to make it work for them and that can cost them leads and clients. If you’re a realtor who is looking to grow their presence on Instagram and generate good business using the platform, this guide is for you. 

In this super-comprehensive article we will take you through some of the best real estate Instagram post ideas as well as share pro tips on how to bring these ideas to life. And if you already have a few ideas, you can get started with those by using InVideo’s free real estate video maker and ready-to-use templates. 

Here’s what’s covered in this article:

1. Share Market Updates
2. Advertise New Listings In Your Area

3. Share Your Milestones
4. Conduct Live Q&A Sessions
5. Post A Video Tour Of The Listed Property
6. Promote Your Events
7. Create A Texting Story Video
8. Make An Agent Introduction Video
9. Showcase The Neighborhood
10. Wish Your Prospects On Special Days And Holidays
11. Share Press Mentions
12. Create Just Sold Posts
13. Share Actionable Tips That Provide Your Prospects Instant Value
14. Showcase Your Testimonials
15. Post Memes Now And Then

Pro Tips To Grow Your Realtor IG Account

Let’s get started with video ideas!

Instagram Video Ideas For Realtors

Video content has twice the engagement of regular posts on Instagram which means if you want your real estate brand to grow and reach a wider audience, you need to start posting video content. 

Videos work better because they allow your viewers to get a realistic view of the properties you’re showcasing as well as get a glimpse into your personality. 

So, here are 10 video ideas you can swipe for your real estate business. 

Real Estate Instagram Post Idea #1: Share Market Updates

As the demand for homes surges, both sellers and buyers are looking for information that'll help them navigate the housing market. This is where market updates and analysis come in handy. 

So, posting updates on the housing prices, the number of homes sold, the average price each unit was sold at, and giving your two cents on the next moves a buyer and seller should make positions you as an expert people can trust. 

Eventually, this value addition will help you get leads as your name will be on the top of your prospects’ heads when they decide to buy or sell a house. And if you want to make yourself even more memorable on Instagram, you can add a little bit of your personality to make a hilarious and informative reel like realtor Ian Grossman does. 

Ian has added his spin to a popular Instagram Reel trend to dish out market updates that his prospects will enjoy reading. 

If you want to swipe Ian's idea and make an entertaining Market Updates Instagram Reel, use these Trending Reel Templates to add a real estate spin to popular reek trends or use the Market update template linked here to create a cool Reel video. 

As for the caption, you can list the Market Updates, include actionable steps for buyers and sellers, and add a CTA. But if you’ve already included the Market updates in your Reel, simply summarize them and emphasize why your prospects must contact you in the caption. Lastly, ensure that you don’t use jargons that might confuse your prospects, so they don’t skip your video. 

Real Estate Instagram Post Idea #2: Advertise New Listings In Your Area

“New Listing” posts create hype around the property and bring interested prospects your way if done right. Here's a simple but catchy new listing post from realtor Brenda Camacho that showcases the property’s rooms as a slideshow. 

This Reel is attractive because it has professional, well-lit photos of the property that perfectly sync with the music to satisfy the Instagram aesthetic and a compelling caption that will drive results. 

To make a listing post like Brenda, capture professional photographs of your property from various angles and use this template to create a slideshow video with transitions and music. Also, include a description that highlights the lifestyle and other location advantages instead of simply listing the number of rooms in your property in your caption. 

Real Estate Instagram Post Idea #3: Share Your Milestones 

Many realtors make the mistake of thinking that showing off the numbers and achievements will highlight their expertise and experience to prospects and get them more leads.

But your prospects want to know how you can add value to their lives and solve their real estate problems. That’s why it’s essential to frame your milestones in a way that conveys the value you bring to the table and positions you as the best person or agency for their real estate needs. Here’s one such post from The Elmes Group. 

The post ties in the milestone of closing $230 million in sales to the agency’s expertise in the luxury segment and the exceptional service they provide to their clients. 

To create a customer-centric milestones post like the Elmes Group, tweak this template to include your milestones, tell prospects how you solve problems differently and include a compelling CTA so they can contact you. 

Real Estate Instagram Post Idea #4: Conduct Live Q&A Sessions

Going live helps you connect directly with your prospects, answer their queries, and bring more clarity to their real estate problems. And this value addition helps build your brand awareness and get more people to enquire about your services. 

Also, more than 80% of people prefer watching live streams to reading blogs and social media posts, and according to Hootsuite, the “Instagram Live” trend is here to stay, so it should definitely be a part of your Instagram post strategy. 

If you need some inspiration, take a look at this engaging live session from Mark Salerno, where he covers everything from the latest listings to market updates. 

The best part about this IG Live is that it seems less like a virtual interaction and more like a real-life interaction as Mark responds to every comment on his Live and converses in an amicable manner which encourages more people to reach out to him. 

To create value-packed and fun lives like Mark, promote your upcoming live session and start talking questions from your prospects beforehand, so you’ve got solid topics to talk about in your Live session. Then, simply tweak this template to create a promo video for your Live session and add it to your stories to remind people and create some hype. 

And before you start a Live, ensure that you’ve got a good internet connection and you’re sitting in a place with proper lighting. A phone with decent specs is enough for an Instagram Live ,but if you want to deliver crisp audio and look more professional, you might want to invest in a ring light and some mics.

Real Estate Instagram Post Idea #5: Post A Video Tour Of The Listed Property

Home-tours let your prospects explore every corner of the house and get you highly- qualified leads as potential buyers already have a fair idea of what the house would look like. 

For instance, take a look at realtor Jon Baker’s house tour video. Although he doesn’t appear in the video to take the prospect through the house, the camera makes it look like the prospect is moving through the house. The aerial views also help prospects get a better idea of the surroundings. 

To create the perfect house tour video, hire professional videographers to create a crisp video that takes prospects through every part of the house. Then, include the highlights of the property and a compelling CTA in your caption. 

But if you don’t want to hire professionals right away, capture a live video of the house with your phone and edit it using InVideo’s real estate video maker. You can also use this template, add your footage, and replace the music to create the perfect house tour video for Instagram.  

Real Estate Instagram Post Idea #6: Promote Your Events

Events are a great way to network and share valuable information with prospective buyers while boosting brand awareness and building trust. So, if you’re conducting an event, create a few real estate videos for your Instagram and promote them to get more guests to your event. 

For example, take a look at how Keller Williams is promoting their Family Reunion event for other realtors.

The 90-second video talks about the round-the-clock effort the teams put into getting everything in place and shows their dedication and passion for providing value to attendees.  

To promote your event, you can take a page out of the Keller William team’s book and interview the various team heads to showcase your commitment. But if your team doesn’t want to get in front of the camera, you can also customize this template  and add the number of guests who signed up to your event, names of special guests who are attending your event, and footage from past events to create a sneak peek that will build curiosity and get more people to attend your event. 

Real Estate Instagram Post Idea #7: Create A Texting Story Video

Who said real estate Instagram posts have to be boring? You can get creative with texting story videos, which have become immensely popular as they showcase conversations that everyone can relate to through mock text messages and notifications on the lock screen. 

Although these types of videos won’t send many warm leads your way right away, they will push your prospects further down the funnel and get them to do business with you eventually. 

Here’s an example of a very short texting story video from REMAX real estate video that shows congratulatory messages from loved ones for buying a new house. 

Although the video is extremely short, it perfectly captures what it feels like to own a dream home and how REMAX can help prospects get started on that journey. 

To create a cool texting video like REMAX, use this template and edit the text messages to create a compelling narrative centered around the real estate problems you solve as a realtor. 

For example, you could create a conversation centered around common real estate problems like what a prospect should do if they need to sell their house before buying one, and answer your prospect’s most common objections and how you solve the problem differently. Also, don’t forget to add a crisp story description and a CTA  in your caption like REMAX. 

Real Estate Instagram Post Idea #8: Make An Agent Introduction Video

People love to learn more about the brands and other people they interact with online as it helps them connect better with their content and reduces their hesitancy towards doing business with you. That’s why you must create an agent introduction video that showcases your story and gives prospects a compelling reason to hire you for their real estate needs. 

For instance, take a look at this intro video by Jenna Roberts from Century 21 Real Estate. 

Jenna immediately tells her prospects who she serves and what sets her apart from other realtors. She speaks from her prospects’ perspective, empathizes with their situation, and repeatedly tells her prospects that she consistently puts in the effort to know them personally to serve them in the best way possible. 

As a result, she comes across as a relatable and compassionate realtor who truly understands her prospects and is committed to delivering the best results for them. 

To create a captivating introduction video like Jenna, use this InVideo template to tell prospects who you are, the audience you serve, and why they should consider you to solve their real estate problems. 

Also, bring out your personality and go deep into how your services impact your clients, so prospects can see how you’re different and feel compelled to contact you for their real estate needs. 

Real Estate Instagram Post Idea #9: Showcase The Neighborhood 

Since prospects want to ensure that the neighborhood they’re going to live in matches their lifestyle and personality, promoting the neighborhood and local attractions helps you attract the right crowd to your property. 

Take a look at how Compass has highlighted the benefits of 3 neighborhoods and outlined the places prospects can check out once they move into Park Row. 

The fast-paced real estate marketing video gives the prospect a glimpse of the luxurious interiors and the lifestyle they can enjoy once they move into the place. The aesthetic visuals and the compelling narrative make prospects want to learn more about the property. 

To create a promotional video highligting the neighborhood, modify this template by including pictures of nearby attractions. If your neighborhood is situated close to airports, metro stations, schools, colleges, and hospitals highlight that as well in your video. For the narrative, upload a voiceover or record one on InVideo. Finish your video with a compelling CTA to get inquiries from prospects. 

Real Estate Instagram Post Idea #10: Wish Your Prospects On Special Days And Holidays 

Sharing sincere holiday posts makes for a great real estate digital marketing and video idea. And tying it to your services helps you connect with prospects and get one step closer to converting prospects who are house-hunting during the holidays. 

For instance, take a look at this holiday post from the Corcoran Group. The simple stop motion animation video opens with an attention-grabbing line and reminds prospects that they can still find their dream home with Corcoran. 

To create a memorable and straightforward post like the Corcoran group, modify the opening lines in this template according to your brand and add a subtle CTA that reminds prospects of your services. 

Static Posts Ideas For Realtors

Just because videos are taking the limelight right now doesn’t mean that static image posts aren’t great to use as real estate marketing materials on Instagram. Static image posts also drive traffic to your real estate page and get more eyeballs on your real estate business. So, here are 5 post ideas you can swipe for your real estate business. 

Real Estate Instagram Post Idea #11: Share Press Mentions 

Many realtors think that sharing press mentions makes them look like a show-off when it does the opposite. In reality, sharing press mentions positions you as the trusted real estate expert in your locality and gets you leads if you talk about it from a perspective that benefits your prospect.  

For example, realtor Jade Mills shared an article highlighting her achievements to establish herself as an expert and encourage prospects to take advantage of her expertise by asking them to send her their real estate queries. 

This post works because Jade has used her press mentions to show how her prospects can benefit from her expertise instead of making the achievement about herself. 

Example of Share Press Mentions Post

And if you want to share your press mentions to build authority and position yourself as an expert as Jade did, tell your prospects how you achieved the feat and how the achievement will benefit them. 

For example, if the local press covers the story of the number of homes you closed in a quarter, your caption can talk about how listening to a prospect, and building connections helped you close deals. This will tell prospects that you value them and encourage them to reach out to you for their real estate needs. 

Real Estate Instagram Post Idea #12: Create Just Sold Posts

A realtor’s Instagram arsenal isn’t complete without “Just Sold” posts, as these posts help attract prospects who want to sell properties similar to the one you just sold. 

For example, Dusty Baker has included only luxury listings in this “Just Sold” post and said that the luxury condo market has picked up the pace to get the attention of prospects wanting to sell their luxury listings. 

Example of Create Just Sold Posts by Dusty Baker

To create a “Just Sold” post that grabs your prospect’s attention and gets you leads, enlist the help of a professional to shoot well-lit pictures of the property and use the caption to give prospects a market update and educate them on why it’s a good time to sell similar properties like Dusty does. 

Pro-Tip: Just sold posts can work much better as videos. It doesn’t have to be something overly produced or complicated. You can animate the text or add a B-roll of the house in the background. Here is a template you can use to create a video congratulating your clients on their new home and adding a caption that talks about the problems they faced while selling their house and how you solved their problem to attract prospects who are facing a similar problem.  

Real Estate Instagram Post Idea #13: Share Actionable Tips That Provide Your Prospects Instant Value 

Everyone wants to save money while  buying a home and make profits if they’re selling one. So, sharing small tips that help prospects save or gain a significant amount of money helps you build trust and expertise, improving the chances of your prospects hiring you for their real estate needs. 

If you need inspiration, take a look at realtor Nomi Malik’s carousel post on how a potential seller can increase the worth of their home by at least $10,000. 

Nomi Malik’s carousel post

The post lists 3 commonly available things (a thermostat, smart lock, and a camera doorbell) that anyone can purchase from their nearest store to improve their home's value instantly. And this information is tremendously valuable as someone who is selling their home for the first time may not know the value addition these simple devices can bring. 

To create a valuable post like Nomi, go through your past home evaluations and the interactions you’ve had with prospects, and make a list of frequently asked questions. 

Then, use these questions to create Instagram posts your prospects can benefit from. Also, give your carousel posts an attention-grabbing headline to entice prospects to read further and use contrast by varying colors or font size to shift the readers’ attention to the important information in the post. Lastly, add a compelling CTA and encourage prospects to like and comment on your post to see more engagement. 

Real Estate Instagram Post Idea #14: Showcase Your Testimonials

Testimonials are indirect promotions as potential clients can decide if you’ll be a good fit for their real estate needs based on your values and how you solved a problem they’re facing right now. 

Here’s an example of a testimonial post reflecting realtor Cindy’s attitude and her real estate expertise. Although this post doesn’t dig deep into how Cindy helped with the search, the post positions Cindy as a knowledgeable realtor and dedicated professional, which will help build trust with her prospects. 

example of a testimonial post reflecting realtor Cindy’s attitude

If you want to show your prospects that you’re the right person for the job through your testimonials, ask your prospects questions like the exact problem they faced, how you helped solve it, and why they would recommend you before putting together a testimonial. You can also make your testimonial a carousel post if it’s too lengthy. 

Pro-Tip: If you want to go one step further, convert your testimonial posts into a video using this template on InVideo.

Real Estate Instagram Post Idea #15: Post Memes Now And Then

Memes help people hilariously express their emotions and opinions and encourage others to share them. So, sharing a funny meme makes you memorable and earns you more engagement and following. 

Here’s an example of a viral meme from realtor James Carmody. It’s hilarious but also talks about how James puts his prospects first and how his team is always rooting for them. 

example of a viral meme from realtor James Carmody

To create a funny but valuable post like James, take a look at trending meme templates and think about how you can relate the context of the meme to your real estate business. Then, write down a caption to educate your prospects on the market and give them some valuable insight on how you can help solve their real estate problems. 

Now that we’ve looked at real estate Instagram post ideas let’s look at some tips to help you grow your account. 

Pro tips to grow your realtor IG account

Instagram is wildly popular and getting real estate leads from the platform might seem like searching for a needle in the haystack. But growing on IG might not be as hard as you think. 

These pro tips will help you differentiate yourself from other realtors, so your ideal prospects (and not random people) engage with your content and you start growing on the platform. 

Tip #1 - Make Use Of The New Features 

When Instagram launches new features, it wants more people to use them. 

So, adapting to these new features and using them consistently is one of the best ways to get rewarded by the algorithm and grow on the platform. 

Instagram Reels is one such feature, and when realtor Heather Colby used Reels for the first time, it got thousands of views, and people reached out to her to let her know they had fun watching it. 

According to Heather, you don’t have to do silly dances to see results. All you’ve got to do is take an Instagram trend and add a real estate spin to it to deliver valuable and entertaining content that will get followers your way. You can learn more about Heather’s take on Reels and how you can use them to grow here. 

And if you want to learn more about the latest Instagram features, check out this blog post here

Tip #2 - Find The Right Content Length 

You already know how crucial videos are for growing your Instagram account. But you’re probably wondering how long they should be and if the video length matters. 

And the answer is yes, the length of the video matters, and you need to find the ideal length that will keep your viewers engaged by experimenting with different video durations and gathering insights from your Instagram Analytics. 

Once you’ve found the right content length, stick to it consistently to see amazing results. For example, if you check out Ian Grossman’s Instagram page, you’ll see that his Reels have more views than some of the lengthier videos he posted because his audience enjoys short content that’s between 15-30 seconds long. 

Pro-Tip: If you want to figure out the ideal video length depending on the video formats on IG, i.e. feed video, story video, live video, and story video, check out this Instagram video length blog here. 

Tip #3 - Optimize Your Hashtag Strategy 

Hashtags categorize posts into separate topics, and using the right hashtags should be a part of your Instagram strategy. This is because hashtags tell Instagram that your post belongs to a particular category and shows it to more people who engage with posts under that hashtag. 

For example, if your prospect engaged with content under #realestate and you use #realestate on your posts, there’s a higher chance that prospects will land on your profile through these hashtags. 

But the catch is that you’ve got to use the right hashtags so Instagram can get an idea of who enjoys your content and send a more relevant audience to your account. So, let’s look at how you must choose hashtags for your real estate Instagram posts. 

You might have heard that Instagram posts must have anywhere between 8-15 hashtags or just 3-5 hashtags. Although there's no correct answer, we recommend that you start with 10-15 hyper-targeted hashtags on your posts if you're just starting as these hashtags don't have too many posts under them, and you stand a chance of being discovered by your ideal prospects.

For example, if you’re posting luxury listings, then use niche hashtags like #luxurylistings to be discovered only by prospects looking for a luxury listing.  

And if you want to eliminate the hashtag guesswork, use tools like Tailwind to get hashtag recommendations for each post. 

Tip #4 - Set Aside Time To Engage With The Instagram Community

When we say engage, we don't just mean replying to your followers' comments. Another great way to get your ideal prospects to follow you is to go to other real estate pages that have a higher following and leave meaningful comments and insights on their posts. This way, prospects who are scrolling through the comment section of others’ posts will check out your page and follow you. 

You can use the Instagram search feature to find profiles with a high following or use a search engine to look for the most followed accounts in real estate. 

Once you’ve found the accounts, follow them, and turn on post notifications, so you can be one of the first few people to comment something valuable on their posts. If your comment is insightful, these pages might also pin your comment, leading to increased discoverability. 

Tip #5 - Optimize Your Profile For Instagram Search

Instagram has more than 1 billion monthly active users, and more than 80% follow a business. Also, more than two-thirds of page visits come from users who aren’t following the account. (Source: Instagram)

This means you should optimize your profile by adding keywords to usernames, bios, and captions and adding a professional profile picture to come across as authentic. 

For example, if prospects search for realtors on their Instagram search bar, Instagram shows them profiles with the word “realtor” in them. Take a look at the search results below, and you’ll see that all profiles have “realtor” in their username and bio. 

Instagram search results for realtors

So, add these keywords to your profile to be discoverable in the Instagram search results. 

Tip #6 - Ensure That You Post On Instagram Consistently

If you post content on Instagram at random times, users will forget that they followed you. That’s why you should create a content schedule and post content consistently on the platform. 

Although most businesses post only 4 times a week, a Tailwind study shows that businesses who posted every day got followers more quickly than those who posted less frequently. 

Ensure That You Post On Instagram Consistently

However, this doesn’t mean that you start spamming followers with content every few hours, so take a look at your Analytics to see when your followers are most likely to engage with your content, and post 1-2 content pieces every day during those times. 

You can also schedule your posts using tools like Hootsuite and Sprout Social to ensure that all your posts go out on time.

Wrapping Up

Instagram can be a great lead generation tool if used correctly, as it helps boost your trust and likeability. However, Instagram is only a part of the real estate marketing puzzle, so you can check out the best real estate video marketing ideas here, and check out how to make Instagram a holistic part of your real estate marketing plan here. 

And if you prefer learning via videos, you should definitely check out our YouTube channel, where we share daily video creation tips and tricks, the latest video trends and ideas, and help you make more money as a video creator.


This post was written by Mrignayni and edited by Adete from Team InVideo

Create gold-standard videos in minutes with InVideo's online video editor. Join 7M+ users across 195 countries and create engaging videos on the go.

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