
What to Post on LinkedIn? 12 Best LinkedIn Post Ideas to Use in 2022

Mrignayni from InVideo Clock IconLast Updated on: February 18, 2022

Create PRO videos in minutes with InVideo

Over 1 million people contribute more than 130,000 posts a week on Linkedin and about 45% of readers are company managers, VPs, CEOs, or in other senior management positions! This means that if you want to make your brand reach the right people, you need to be creating content on LinkedIn. 

But this presents a unique problem of figuring out what to post on Linkedin? Creating content on the platform isn’t necessarily easily. One big challenge is finding new content ideas that engage the audience and also turns eyeballs into profit. So, for those of you who can’t afford to let writer’s block slow you down, we’ve listed 12 LinkedIn post ideas that will keep your wheels turning. 

The list contains both video and static post ideas- along with examples and ready-to-use LinkedIn video templates from Invideo so that you can start creating right away.  

Here’s the list of ideas we’ll cover in the article:

1. Let your customers do the talking 
2. Share your brand’s milestone 
3. Create short explainer videos
4. Take your audience behind the scenes
5. Highlight social issues you care about
6. Make guest appearances 
7. Publicize your events
8. Try how-To Videos
9. Give them a freebie
10. Let employees have the stage
11. Share the progress 
12. Share industry-specific news
13. Pro Tips for creating LinkedIn posts
14. Bonus

Without further ado, let’s begin with the first idea.

1. Let your customers do the talking 

You can showcase compelling videos of your customer success stories for your product or service on LinkedIn. Customer success stories are a great way to build the credibility of your product or service and convert prospects without your post explicitly asking for a sale. 

Request your customers to talk about problems and the hesitations they had before they opted for your products or services. That would address prospect objections and also inspire action from new leads on LinkedIn. 

Take a look at this video showing activist Tiana’s work and how Canva is a central part of it.  Although there’s no direct promotion involved, the customer success story of how Tiana got 50,000 people to join her protest because of a Canva poster highlights the value Canva provides to its users and how the entire community benefits from it. 

And, once you have such videos from your customers, you can turn it into a video by simply using a testimonial template from InVideo and customizing it for your needs. 

2. Share your brand’s milestone 

‘Document, don’t create’ is one of the best pieces of advice you can have when you’re thinking about what to post on LinkedIn. It works well because it makes your audience feel like they're a part of your journey and connect better with your brand.

This short but sweet announcement from of launching their IPO at Nasdaq is the perfect example of a milestone video that resonates well with the audience. 

So you can go ahead and use one of these company templates to stitch together relevant stock images and videos on the timeline. Then you can add some inspiring music and add some text to illustrate your point effectively. 

3. Create short explainer videos

Short and sweet explainer videos related to your product or service when done right can act as an elevator pitch for your brand. They're super effective for explaining the problem your brand solves in a digestible way and creating awareness with your LinkedIn audience.  

Here is a wonderful example of a short but effective explainer video from Slack, where they explain how to enable the latest audio feature. The entire video is screengrabs of Slack's interface. It's very simple and very visual. So users could get the gist of it, even without the audio on. 

4. Take your audience behind the scenes

You can take your audience behind the scenes of product creation or some kind of project in your video posts. This is a great way to build transparency and trust, both of which are super important factors for increasing long-term engagement and growth for your brand's content. 

This example from Calysta shows you about how you can use some high-quality visuals and presentations to create this type of content. 

To create this type of video, you could capture a day around the office or take your customers behind the scenes and show them what it's like to create a product or service. Then, you can come over to InVideo, upload your clips onto the timeline, add some inspirational music and text. and export. 

5. Highlight social issues you care about

When brands speak up about social issues, they build awareness around the issue and encourage their followers to do the same. Content around social issues can also help unite people and drive the change they want to see as a brand. And at the same time, it helps your audience trust you more by knowing the values you care about deeply. 

Uber, for example, created some very useful videos for Pride Month, which were very well received by their audience. A few things work really well in the case of this video. It  hooks you in the first 10 seconds and makes you want to keep watching. Second, they've kept the text on each slide short and easy to read and only used the most important message per slide.

One key thing to keep in mind if you're going to be creating LinkedIn videos around social causes is that you never want to create these types of videos just for the sake of getting views. Your audience can see right through that, and it's probably going to backfire pretty quickly. 

This is a great idea to keep in mind for causes that your company truly cares about. So, find causes that your company is genuinely invested in, and then go all out in supporting them.You can create similar posts using this Invideo template. And, if you want to learn more about organic reach on other platforms, check out our posts on Reels and TikTok that you can recreate for your brand or business.

6. Feature experts in your videos

Inviting  guests and experts to speak in your LinkedIn videos – whether it’s through live sessions or showcasing a Q&A or a pre-recoreded conversation – helps build your credibility as a brand. It also helps you gain expertise through association. 

For instance, in this video AT&T’s Chief Diversity and Development Officer Corey Anthony  interviews Girls Who Code CEO, Tarika Barett, to discuss the importance of representation for technological growth. The video reflects how passionate AT&T is about creating a diverse workplace and celebrating diversity, and this helps them attract talents from different backgrounds. 

To create an engaging interview video that reflects your expertise and values, reach out to people who are thought leaders in your niche. Do your research before you interview them and keep it crisp so that you can cover maximum ground without it getting boring. And if you want to be interviewed, interact regularly with LinkedIn Members who interview people in your industry and create a personalized pitch around how interviewing you will benefit their community.  

You can then put these clips together using InVideo, add your own logo and create multiple short pieces of content to stay consistent with your LinkedIn posts as well as keep engagement high. 

7. Publicize your events

You can post promotional videos to create anticipation around your event and get more people to sign up or share snippets of it to provide value and build credibility. 

In this video, Microsoft creates hype around its event by creating a countdown, showing snippets of what will be covered with short copy, and introducing its list of speakers, which include the most prominent thought leaders and storytellers.

To create a video like Microsoft to promote your events use InVideo’s event promo template and customize it with short, engaging copy to give a sneak peek of what the event will cover and how attending it will benefit them. 

Also, showcase speakers and their credentials, and include footage from previous events to help the audience visualize what your event will be like. To build more credibility you can also add statistics like the number of people and number of speakers joining your event. Lastly, add some stock music from our Music library and your video should be ready in minutes. 

8. Try how-To videos

How-To videos are a great way to build trust with potential customers and get them to check out your products. Also, a survey by True Focus Media showed that 73% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase after watching “How-To” videos so these types of videos should definitely be a part of your arsenal. 

Take a look at this simple video by Easy Send that shows consumers how to use the Select tool. The animation is on point and the narration makes it seem like using the product is very simple, which encourages prospects to check out the products. 

To create How-To Videos like Easy Send, make sure you highlight the pain points of the prospects using a simple animated video template like Easy Send did or by making a talking-head video explaining how to use your product to eliminate the pain points. 

9. Give out a freebie

There are over 303 million people  active on LinkedIn, and most of them are looking for quality resources and insights. So, as a business owner, sharing your knowledge with the community through freebies helps build credibility in front of your ideal clients. 

Here is a wonderful example of a freebie post from Slack that highlights how it can improve the productivity of the workforce  in return for the user’s email address. 

example of a freebie post from Slack


To create a  post that encourages viewers to check out your freebie, outline the end results and benefits your freebie will bring so users can understand the value it provides and rush to grab it. In the above example, Slack promises a pleasant and productive workday so employees and product managers will rush to grab it and keep engaging with the tool. 

Now, if you are wondering what freebies you should give your audience, here’s a list: 

- Guides
- Checklists
- Masterclass or webinar
- Templates 
- Quiz

You can also mix and match different types of freebies like Slack did as well as create a video freebie. All you will need to do is pick an appropriate template on InVideo and supplement the stock media with your own to create a free video guide or tutorial to share with your community. 

10. Let employees have the stage 

You can give employees the stage and let them talk about what it feels to be a part of your company's purpose and mission. This will give potential candidates an insight into your company culture and values. It showcases your workforce, their abilities, skills and passion both in and outside the office. And, when done right, it helps you attract better talent, improve employee engagement, and reduce turnover.

Recently, Samsung Electronics America published a post where their employees made blankets and provided books for students at Uplight Heights under #SamsungGives Week of Service. It shows how Samsung is big on giving back to the community and giving employees a chance to take a break and make a difference outside their offices. 

Example of Samsung Electronics America published a post where their employees


Your company culture posts have to highlight the environment you create for your employees and why people feel happy working with you. So, instead of telling people about the fun stuff you do in your office, show them by asking employees to speak about their experiences. You can also go one step further and shoot some footage, compile it in a video using this template, add some complementary music, and you will have your company culture posts ready.

11. Share the progress

Posting regular company updates and progress will benefit your organization in the short term and long term as it brings complete transparency, creates awareness, and helps you stay on top of the minds of your potential clients. Ultimately, this creates trust and builds a relationship with your audience which you can leverage to get more leads. 

Semrush, a popular keyword research tool, does the same with its company updates. Its recent update on the acquisition of Backlinko showcases how the acquisition will benefit their users instead of keeping the post company-centric. 

Social Media Post of Semrush


To create company updates like Semrush, start with a catchy beginning followed by the company news, then mention the value it would bring and how your audience can benefit from it so your audience has a reason to read it. 

12. Share industry-specific news

A recent BuzzSumo report  found that people mostly liked and shared content that helped them do better at their jobs. So, you can share the  latest trends and industry news along with your opinion to establish your expertise and add value to your audience. 

For example, Estee Lauder posted an interesting update about how the online gaming industry and metaverse will provide new opportunities for expansion and growth. Since the information is fresh and offers a unique perspective of their Vice-President, it helps the company  establish authority and expertise in the beauty niche.

Social Media Post of Estee Lauder


To create similar posts, simply present your take on an interesting news in your industry and ask for the readers’ opinions so the post gets more engagement and reaches a lot of people outside your network. 

If you want to go one step further, you can also create a  LinkedIn poll to ask your readers their opinions about the latest news and present your findings along with the most insightful comments as a separate value-packed piece your audience can benefit from. 

13. Pro Tips For Creating LinkedIn Posts

Now that you have some great ideas about what to post on LinkedIn, here are 3  pro tips for creating LinkedIn posts that will influence your audience to hit that follow button and engage with your posts.

Tip #1 - Create attention-grabbing headlines

Only 2 out of 10 people read beyond the headline so, if your headline is bad, your post won’t garner much views and reach your target audience, despite being the best LinkedIn post idea and adding value. That’s why you must make your headlines compelling enough to hook  the audience and compel them to read further. 

To find out what type of headlines click on LinkedIn, BuzzSumo  analyzed 10,000 of the most shared posts on LinkedIn. They found out that keywords like ‘habits’, ‘mistakes’, ‘successful’, ‘employees’ leader or leaders’, and headline phrases like ‘How to’, ‘Can learn from’, ‘The future of’, ‘You need to’, and ‘Why you should’ performed exceptionally well on Linkedln. Plus, the highest performing headline has on average 40-49 characters.

So you can craft headlines and relevant content around these phrases and stick to the ideal character count so that your audience is compelled to consume more of your content, and you build trust and authority.

Tip #2 - Think about your audience 

Very often when we start out, we create content around topics we want to talk about. Your audience may or maynot be interested in that. But figuring out what works and what your audience likes also cannot happen if you never post. 

So, we recommend you research keywords and hashtags that you’d like to talk about and then see how well they fare in search results. This will give you a genuine idea of where to start. You can also study the posts that are doing well and try to deconstruct what must have resonated in that post with the audience.

As you keep posting, you’ll start seeing what works and what does not. You always want to keep testing and doing more of what works. Take inspiration, test, see what works, and go from there. 

Tip #3 - Add a strong CTA 

Adding a Call-to-Action at the end of every Linkedln post guides your reader to the next step and increases the overall engagement of the post. You can ask readers to engage with your post by sharing their thoughts or you can ask them a specific question like “Would you agree?”

You can also add CTAs to your services in a subtle way. For instance if you’re a video creator and you post frequently around building a personal brand with video content, then you can include a CTA on the lines of ‘comment yes if you want a strategy for building your personal brand.’ You can then reach out to everyone who commented on your post with compelling offers of availing your branding services. 

You can also talk about availing your consultation or services directly in your post after highlighting the problem and the value your service can provide. However, we don’t recommend that you drop your website links or links other than LinkedIn post/article links in your content. LinkedIn’s algorithm might not boost your post if you try to take users off of its platform. If you wish to add other links, you can drop them in the comments or edit your post for the link after you’ve posted it. 

Bonus: How to Create Scroll-Stopping LinkedIn Videos Using InVideo

As we mentioned in the first section of this article, creating videos is one of the best LinkedIn post ideas and you can create these videos in minutes using InVideo. Simply choose from the thousands of professional templates, add your own media and customize the font to create a stunning video. Let us show you exactly how you can do that:

InVideo Video Editor

Step 1: Log in to InVideo, and begin by choosing a template, here we are creating a company culture handbook. Select your aspect ratio and then click on use this template. The template will then open in the InVideo editor. 

How to Create LinkedIn Videos Using InVideo - Step 1

Step 2: Now, let’s add your media to the editor. Click on the Uploads menu on the left corner of your screen. Next, click the Upload Media button to export your photos/videos to InVideo. Alternatively, you can choose videos and images from the in-built stock library. 

How to Create LinkedIn Videos Using InVideo - Step 2

You can also add your brand logo to the video. Just click the Logo tab, and you’ll see a pop-up to import your logo from your gallery to the InVideo editor. 

Once you have uploaded your brand logo, it will automatically be placed in the space for the logo throughout the entire video. 

How to Create LinkedIn Videos Using InVideo - Step 2.1

Step 3: To edit the text, double-click the text box and replace existing text with your text. If you want to edit the text further, you can play around with the font, color, alignment, and more using the menu above your workspace to do so. Check out this blog to see how you can add and change the text to your videos. 

How to Create LinkedIn Videos Using InVideo - Step 3

Step 4: You can also add/change music using the Invideo editor; just click the Music tab, and you will find a list of music available. Users can also import music from their PC and add it to their video. 

How to Create LinkedIn Videos Using InVideo - Step 4

Step 5: Once you complete your edits, click the Download & Share button on the top right of your screen. Next, click Export.

How to Create LinkedIn Videos Using InVideo - Step 5

And that’s how easily you can create awesome LinkedIn videos for your business. 

Wrapping up 

LinkedIn has far been the most effective platform for customer acquisition and lead generation. In fact, it's over 277% more effective than Facebook in generating leads. You can take inspiration from these Linkedln posts and map out the perfect balance between valuable and salesy content. If you want to go a step further and understand how you can utilize the power of ads on LinkedIn, check out this blog. 

And if you prefer learning via videos, you should definitely check out our YouTube channel, where we share daily video creation tips and tricks, the latest video trends and ideas, and help you make more money as a video creator.


This post was written by Mrignayni and edited by Adete from Team InVideo

Create gold-standard videos in minutes with InVideo's online video editor. Join 7M+ users across 195 countries and create engaging videos on the go.

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